I have a gas fireplace that I can not turn off because something happened to the key to turn off


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If you have lost the key to turn off the gas to your fireplace, there are a few things you can do.

  1. Turn off the gas supply valve: Locate the gas supply valve that feeds the fireplace, and turn it off. This will stop the gas from flowing and turn off the fireplace. The valve is usually located near the gas meter or propane tank.

  2. Contact a professional: If you are not comfortable turning off the gas supply valve or if you are unsure where it is located, contact a professional for assistance. A certified technician can safely turn off the gas and fix any issues with your fireplace.

  3. Replace the key: If you have lost the key to turn off the gas to your fireplace, you can purchase a replacement key from a hardware store or online. Make sure to turn off the gas supply valve before attempting to replace the key.

In any case, it is important to address this issue as soon as possible to avoid any potential gas leaks or fire hazards.

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