Hayward, CA
Business Directory

Hayward is a bustling city located in the heart of Alameda County. Known for its diversity and proximity to the San Francisco Bay, Hayward offers residents and visitors a wide range of amenities. With its mild climate and abundance of parks, outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy activities like hiking or picnicking at Lake Chabot Regional Park. History buffs can explore the Hayward Area Historical Society Museum, while art lovers can visit the Hayward Japanese Gardens for a peaceful retreat. In terms of shopping and dining, the city boasts numerous local businesses that cater to a variety of tastes. From quaint coffee shops to ethnic eateries and family-owned stores, Hayward has something to offer everyone.Show More

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Restaurants in Hayward

Find the best places to eat in Hayward and find the right restaurant to satisfy your cravings. According to YP.com "The Real Yellow Pages", you'll find there are 435 restaurants in Hayward that you can select from, all carrying different types of cuisines and dishes. These restaurants have been reviewed by 246 YP.com users just like you, and have an average rating of 4 stars.

Depending on what you are in the mood for you can find great fast food in Hayward, as there are over 66 restaurants to choose from. Some fan favorites include Caspers Hot Dogs, Beeps Burgers, and McDonald's.

Another popular cuisine in Hayward is Mexican food. You can find 50 Mexican restaurants such as Tacos Uruapan, Los Carnalitos Restaurant, or Los Pericos Taqueria, all of which have good reviews. These restaurants have over 37 reviews and an average of 5 stars, making them a popular choice for Hayward locals.

If those two options don't seem to fit your tastes, YP.com also suggests HomeStyle Pizza, New York Pizza, and Bronco Billy's Pizza Palace for great places to eat pizza in Hayward, CA.

No matter what you are in the mood for YP.com will help you find the right place to fill your belly.

Online reservations through YP.com are made easy, as there are 70 Hayward restaurants that will let you book a table in advance, which is great if you are looking for a place to take out someone special. Our top picks include Buon Appetito, Best Burger, and Edgewater Pizza & Mediterranean Food.

In case you're planning an outing with a larger number of people, there are 40 restaurants that are good for groups, such as Denny's, Tandoor Indian Restaurant, or Domino's Pizza in Hayward.

If there are children involved in your outing, not to worry, as we have 55 good places to eat in Hayward that are kid-friendly. Locals prefer La Casita Restaurant, Panda Express, and Pupuseria Las Cabanas for feeding their pickiest eaters.

Concerned about what to wear? Locations like Pop's Deli, Panda Express, and Los Planes De Renderos in Hayward are on the more casual side, along with 151 other restaurants.

Hayward is just one of the great destinations in California to find a great meal, so in case you're traveling through the state and looking for dining options in other cities you can check out our list of restaurants in San Leandro, Fremont, or Pleasanton and so much more.

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