many Frogs in my swimming pool have been discovered. How to get rid of them?


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I can suggest some humane ways you can do to remove or prevent them from getting into your pool, such as:

  1. Fence off the pool: If it's possible, fence off the pool to prevent the frogs and other wildlife from accessing it.
  2. Install a pool cover: Installing a pool cover will deter the frogs from entering the pool. Additionally, it will also help in keeping your pool clean.
  3. Turn off pool lights at night: Frogs are attracted to light, turning off the pool lights will prevent them from coming to your pool at night.
  4. Use a pool skimmer: Use a pool skimmer to scoop out the frogs from the pool. Once you have caught them, relocate them to a nearby canal, pond or river.
  5. Use a frog repellent: There are many natural frog repellents available in the market. These repellents usually work by producing a smell that deters the frogs from coming near the pool.

Remember, frogs are beneficial creatures that help to control insect populations and are critical to our ecosystem. Please avoid using chemicals, pesticides or killing them, as they are an essential part of our environment.

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